ICT as Medium for Advocacy

 1. There are many new technologies being used in classrooms today: social networking, online teaching, class blogs and wikis, podcasting, interactive whiteboards, and mobile devices. Class blogs and wikis widen the avenue for discussion and give students a chance to participate outside of the classroom. Most notably, technology engages students in simulated experiences and encourages them to practice collaborative decision-making skills. Done right, this academic exposure to technology deepens understanding because learners internalize concepts while acquiring authentic skills.

2. a. When I was in elementary when we sing our national anthem we must form a straight line or else our teacher will be mad on us and we must watch the beating while when I am in Senior High we still form a line but not that straight and we will only watch what is flashing in the projector.

b. Back when I was elementary, I can still remember in doing my notes, everytime the teacher will announce that there is something to write I got excited because I love writing but when I turned Senior Highschool I get lazy in doing it, I am just taking some pictures of it instead of writing.

c. When I was in grade school when I do reporting I will make sure that my visual aids are pretty and has many designs so that it will be pleasing to see but now in Senior high I am just doing my report on my laptop and that's what I use to serve as a visual aid because now, I got lazy in writing some visual aids.

d. I can still remember when I was elementary my teacher has always a class record in her hand but now in Senior high some of my teachers are doing their class records in their laptop because it is more acessible and less hassle.

e. Back when I was in elementary, when the classes ended I immediately go home because I got scared that my parents will scold me when I will go home late but now I am not that afraid because sometimes I must go to the computer shop to do some projects and assignments which is a valid reason to go home late as long as I already told them where I am.

f. When I was in grade school my assignments are almost hand written and with all the design but when I turned senior high almost all of my assignments are printed because it is easier and more beautiful, I also get tired in doing hand writing.


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